Francys Machado
Embrace change; It's a path to growth and new opportunities!

Who Owns the ePortfolio
Who owns the E-portfolio
The link above highlights the importance of giving students ownership and control over their digital portfolios within the field of education and the need for students to have decision-making capacity in their learning journey, going beyond the mere completion of tasks to obtain grades.
Advocates for students to take ownership of their ideas and reflections, fostering deeper learning experiences. Additionally, it encourages educators to model the use of e-portfolios and provide examples, thereby establishing credibility and fostering a trustworthy learning environment.
Do I Own My Domain If You Grade It?
Asserts that genuine ownership of learning and ideas is key to effective education. Additionally, the passage introduces the innovative “ Self-Mastery” initiative, which seeks to empower students by giving them authority over their digital presence. It advocates the shift from mere possession of data to active production of knowledge. Also delves into two different approaches to implementing domains in education, emphasizing the importance of considering the audience and fostering student agency.
The Web We Need to Give Students.
The passage talks about giving students their own space on the internet. This allows them to have control over their work, data, and digital identity. It’s compared to having a personal writing space. The idea is to help students be more independent and productive in their online learning. This approach is seen as a big step in letting students take charge of their education online.
Overall, the initiative is a big change that empowers students and encourages creativity, completely changing how education works. It’s putting the COVA theory into action, which stands for choice, Ownership, Voice, and Authentic experience. If all education leaders demonstrate and teach this new way of learning, it will become the standard for growth and progress in education. So, by consistently following this approach, education can keep getting better.
Final answer:
“The Beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you”
By B.B. King