Francys Machado
Embrace change; It's a path to growth and new opportunities!
Measurement Strategy & Connecting and Communicating Ideas
In Mertler's words (2020), Action Research is a form of research in which professionals investigate their work environment to collect information about their practice and use data to improve it. It is a reflective, practical, and cyclical approach that includes planning, acting, observing, and reflecting on solving existing problems in a given environment. Action research can help educators and professionals improve their performance and subsequent impact on their students.
In this Action Research Study Outline, we will examine blended learning as one of the likely ways to effectively improve eighth-grade students' speaking and writing skills while studying Spanish. This article will use a mixed methods design to compare student performance in the blended learning pilot program to previous years under a traditional approach. The research aims to establish the methodology's effectiveness and analyze the students' perceptions and how it affects their performance. It seeks to strengthen the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language and integrate innovative strategies that drive students toward better learning and motivation.

Measurement Tools

These instruments are used to collect data, and in this action research on blended learning, they will include quantitative and qualitative measurement tools. Quantitative tools will consist of questionnaires, achievement tests, comprehensive attendance records, etc., which can help measure outcome variables such as performance and engagement. Qualitative tools, including the interview process, observations, document analysis, etc., provide information about the perspectives and behaviors of the participants. By combining these tools, researchers can comprehensively understand how blended learning impacts students' language skills, informing improvements in teaching practices and educational outcomes.

Much research is on blended learning in the United States and other countries. According to most studies, the blended learning environment is more effective and beneficial than conventional approaches to learning and instruction, provided it is designed and implemented successfully. All of these benefits apply to all content areas. Although there are some drawbacks to implementing this teaching and learning strategy, most findings suggest that the effort is justified.
Read my Action Research Literature Review, showing that blended learning is the best option for teaching languages.
Action Research Plan
In my Detailed Action Research Plan, I will carefully analyze how blended learning can improve Spanish learners' oral and written skills. The study is designed to fill gaps in knowledge about how blended learning affects language skills, developing an overview of best teaching practices and student performance. The study includes a detailed schedule to guide the implementation, evaluation, and analysis of the results obtained, ensuring a robust and reliable research process.