Francys Machado
Embrace change; It's a path to growth and new opportunities!
Contribution to your learning and the learning community
5313 Create a Significant Learning Environment CSLE.
5389 Developing Effective Professional Learning
Reflecting on these classes, I am grateful for the experience. I recognize the synergy, the perfect combination of courses seamlessly integrating and complementing each other. Moving forward into an uncertain future, I learn by doing my best with the available resources, hoping to see positive results.
During course 5389, we delved into planning and improving professional learning, starting with a call to action, defining innovation objectives and the audience, and answering questions like What? Who? Or how to design this plan? Additionally, I sought to identify learning theories that best aligned with the objectives of my innovative plan and my philosophy to achieve the ultimate goal: creating an alternative professional learning approach practical enough to educate and motivate teachers, thus innovating in teaching with meaningful experiences for the benefit of our students. It is necessary to adapt to changes in the digital age, face challenges, and commit to constant improvements. It was a process of personal and professional discovery.
During course 5313, reading and analyzing "A New Culture of Learning" by Thomas and Brown helped me reconnect with the objectives of my Innovation Plan and learning philosophy to integrate objectives and activities into the design process. The BHAG, or Big Hairy Audacious Goal, is a Spanish course for middle school students using a blended learning approach. Shaping abstract ideas initially and seeing them take shape over time was a motivating process; I was connecting what was learned and creating actions. First, I experimented with the 3-column table and then UbD, valuable tools for planning dynamic, interactive work environments based on objectives and results. The plan was designed to consider the six facets of understanding: the ability to explain, interpret, apply, change perspective, empathize, and self-evaluate. This approach creates meaningful learning environments, promoting active participation and critical thinking.
Reflect and articulate how your collaborations impact the connection of ideas of the two courses:
All elements in these courses integrated very well; the new learning culture adapted to my Innovation Plan shaped my new Learning Philosophy, and my perspective continued to grow, reflected in ideas organized in the 3-column table and in the UbD Design (Understanding by Design) for the task ALIGNING ASSESSMENT RESULTS AND ACTIVITIES. Unique and new opportunities constantly challenge me, but I had a chance to express what my perfect Spanish class would be like, in which my students feel motivated, empowered, and responsible for their learning processes. I created environments where interaction, critical thinking, and collaboration were essential.
Theories about mindset were a challenge, but they were also the tools with which I faced the challenges of the course. A growth mindset perspective would transform my reality in the organization, and I recognize that it is still in formation. I understand the concept, but it does not come naturally, and to grow personally and professionally, I must continue working on that internal process.
The growth experience that I consider gigantic would not have been possible without the support of two excellent teachers; their professionalism and leadership were challenging and motivating. I worked hard on my mindset, trying to stay positive without letting myself be discouraged by mistakes or when I felt overwhelmed, otherwise thinking that obstacles are always an opportunity for improvement, so I always tried to give my best. I come out stronger. The class dynamics were interesting, and I tried to keep up with them; I was participatory, asked questions, and always attended on time because I always came out of them with a new resource that added value to my learning experience.
Class Meeting Picture:

These dynamics also allowed me to form a new workgroup. We were active and collaborative. We met via Zoom, shared ideas, and corrected each other. We were a luxury team. We could strengthen professional and friendly relationships—Neylly Guedez, Joyce Torres, and myself, Francys Machado.
Teamwork Picture:

Even my son joined the team. It is fascinating how the new generation is born with that technological update and finds it so easy. That is why I plan to involve my students when technological obstacles arise in class; we will all be learners.
Supporting Contributions:
Engage in posts promptly so others can respond to them. I supported my peers with positive feedback and valuable opinions, reflecting breadth and depth of thought with research that supported my thinking and was appropriately cited. I demonstrated responsibility by submitting all my assignments on time, following and completing all readings, watching all videos, and using other supporting resources.
Reflection on what is working and what you can do better:
I could have demonstrated more leadership characteristics in my group or the course, but I did not think it was necessary. Everyone's commitment to achieving success was enough energy to keep us working and improving daily. I did not observe any classmates needing a leader; the leadership demonstrated by the teachers was more than enough.
EDLD5313 and EDLD5389 are courses that synergize effectively and mutually reinforce one another. As previously mentioned, EDLD5313 focused on Creating a Significant Learning Environment (CSLE), encompassing "theories and perspectives," while EDLD5389 delved into developing effective Professional Learning strategies. The readings, theories, and tasks of each class complemented the other. This very effective strategy allowed me to integrate and apply what I learned, and always, based on the comments, I tried to revise and refine my assignments.
Because of this connection creates a single learning assessment contribution.
In this sense, I recommend the following qualifications based on self-assessment and pre-established criteria. It was eight weeks of connected effort rather than two separate experiences. For that reason, I set each grade to be the same.
EDLD 5313: 98/100
EDLD 5389: 100/100
In conclusion, I acknowledge that there is always room for improvement. I firmly believe in myself and my infinite potential. Hooray for moving forward with determination and self-confidence! I am proud to deserve an A+ grade on this task. ;)