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Growth Mindset Plan By Francys Machado EDLD 5302 Concepts of Educational Tech.

A Tailored Plan for Transformative Learning

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        Embracing a growth mindset isn't just a personal goal; it involves embarking on a transformative journey that influences individuals and organizations. As I take this path, I foresee nurturing a culture that sees challenges as opportunities and celebrates the learning journey. This Growth Mindset Plan represents a personal commitment and integrates seamlessly with and enhances my innovative blended learning approach. It aims to capture the essence of Dr. Carol Dweck's principles while customizing them to align with the specific context of my circumstances and organization.

Why is the growth mindset so important?

      From my perspective, a "growth mindset," influenced by Carol S. Dweck's insights, is an approach to learning and development that believes in the potential for improvement and growth. It emphasizes that abilities are not fixed but can be cultivated through dedication, learning from challenges, and persisting in the face of setbacks. This mindset promotes a positive attitude toward effort, embracing challenges as opportunities for learning and mastery.

    Carol S. Dweck, a psychologist who developed the concept of mindset, states that there are two main types of mindset: fixed mindset and growth mindset.


“LinkedIn.”, 2024, Accessed 13 Feb. 2024.

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Incorporating the four steps to change your Mindset:

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Learn to hear your fixed mindset “voice.”

  • Start by becoming aware of negative thoughts or self-doubt.

  • Identify patterns of thinking that align with a fixed mindset.

  • Reflect on situations where you might default to a fixed mindset.

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Recognize that you have a "Choice".

  • Acknowledge that you have the power to choose your mindset.

  • Understand that adopting a growth mindset is a conscious decision.

  • Realize that you can control your reactions to challenges.

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Talk back to it with a growth mindset voice.

  • Develop positive affirmations that counter fixed mindset thoughts.

  • Challenge negative beliefs by emphasizing the growth potential.

  • Use encouraging self-talk that aligns with a growth-oriented perspective.

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Take the growth mindset action.

  • Actively seek opportunities for learning and improvement.

  • Embrace challenges as chances to develop new skills.

  • Persist in the face of setbacks, viewing them as part of the learning process.

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Communicating the message of "yet":

The concept of 'YET' possesses the transformative power to turn limitations into possibilities.


I can adjust the resources and program timeline for promoting the growth mindset in the following way:



Blended Learning Modules: 

Develop online modules incorporating growth mindset principles into the curriculum, allowing students to access content at their own pace by developing individual skills.

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Digital Storytelling Platform: 

Adjust a platform where students, teachers, and parents can share stories of overcoming challenges and embracing a growth mindset that fosters community and inspiration.

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Adaptive Learning Apps: 

Explore educational apps that adapt to individual learning styles, providing tailored challenges and feedback not only supports personalized learning but also reinforces the concept of continuous improvement.

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Adjusted Curriculum Schedule:

  • Launch of Blended Learning Modules (Quarterly): Introduce the online modules that integrate growth mindset principles into the existing curriculum. Provide training sessions for teachers to implement these modules effectively.

  • Digital Storytelling Campaign (Monthly): Encourage regular submissions and sharing of stories on the digital platform. Monthly highlights can be shared through newsletters and social media, celebrating achievements and perseverance.

  • Adaptive Learning App Integration (Ongoing): Gradually introduce adaptive learning apps into classrooms. Regularly assess and communicate the positive impact on students' learning experiences.

  • Consistent Communication (Weekly): Implement weekly reflections and updates on growth mindset progress, using internal communication channels to share success stories, resources, and upcoming events.

  • Quarterly Celebratory Events: Host events that recognize and celebrate achievements related to growth mindset adoption, including showcasing projects, acknowledging personal development, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

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Impact on my approach to work:

       When approaching the project, a growth mindset will be how students perceive challenges. Instead of seeing difficulties as insurmountable obstacles, they will see them as opportunities for learning and improvement. This shift in perspective will drive proactive engagement with coursework, leveraging challenges to improve understanding and skills.

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         This strategic framework addresses educators, administrators, and stakeholders in my organization. By elucidating the reasons behind and the advantages associated with this plan, I aim to instill a sense of receptiveness to growth and change among them. To accomplish this, my Literature Review delves into the foundational aspects of blended learning, showcasing numerous benefits that catalyze a growth mindset's development, evolution, and adaptation.            The ultimate goal is to cultivate a shared dedication to embracing a growth mindset, catalyzing constructive transformations in our educational methodologies, and nurturing a culture of perpetual enhancement.

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To conclude

        As I unfold this Growth Mindset Plan, I am not just an advocate; I am an active participant in the transformative journey. By sharing these principles, I aspire to cultivate an environment where growth is encouraged and celebrated as an inherent part of our academic institution's DNA.



 Scott Jeffrey (January 2, 2024) How do Change your Mindset from Fixed to Growth: A Definitive Guide

Dweck, Carol S (2006,2016) MINDSET The New Psychology of Success.

Dweck, Carol S (2006) Developing a Growth Mindset

Briceno, Eduardo The Power of Belief - Mindset and Success

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