Francys Machado
Embrace change; It's a path to growth and new opportunities!

Dear friends and fellow learners,
I am pleased to embark on this digital journey to transform Spanish language instruction for middle school students through Blended Learning. To provide insight into my approach, I have prepared a Video articulating the foundations and objectives of my project. Additionally, you will find my Proposal Letter addressed to the educational authorities of our school district, accompanied by a Literature Review that supports and enriches my research.
For a comprehensive understanding of my project, I invite you to delve into my Implementation Outline, a map outlining the path I plan to follow. In conclusion, you'll discover a collection of references that have been instrumental in shaping my studies, and I invite you to explore them further.
I look forward to having your company on this educational expedition. Together, let's explore new horizons in the academic landscape for the benefit of our young students.
Francys Machado

Innovation Plan
Blended Using Disruptive Innovation to Improve Schools by Michael B. Horn & Heather Staker.
The opportunity arises from middle school students' interest in taking elective courses. A well-founded proposal suggests incorporating blended learning. The idea is to personalize teaching methods to improve student understanding and engagement by reviewing relevant literature and adopting those ideas.

Literature Review Blended Learning
Francys L. Machado
Lamar University
5305: Disruptive Innovation in Tech
Dr. Susan Bedard
November 11, 2023
The rapid advancement of digital technology is fundamentally transforming various aspects of our lives. Educators are increasingly realizing the importance of adopting and refining learning methodologies to prepare learners for future success, in their professional pursuits and social interactions (Magaba, 2017).
Educators and parents alike understand that children of the same age may not learn at the same pace or possess identical needs. This emphasizes the significance of acknowledging multiple intelligences and learning styles. Therefore, this literature review explores existing literature and expands the knowledge base thoroughly. This endeavor aims to develop innovative educational models that effectively accommodate these diverse learning profiles (Horn & Staker, 2015).

Main Objective:
To develop a Spanish Level 1 course for public middle school education based on previous research, background reviews, and results analysis. The aim is to enhance vocabulary acquisition, listening comprehension, and oral skills, utilizing a blended learning approach aligned with the COVA approach.

Bahadir, G., Kadir, K. (2022). Middle School Students Views on Distance Education: Turkish Language Teaching under the Shadow of COVID-19 Pandemic Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, v17 n2 p91-113 2022.
Friesen, N. (2012). Defining blended learned. Retrieved on September 18, 2023, from
Joshi, A., Kulkarni, N. (2022). Impact of COVID-19 on Teaching and Learning Effectiveness of Management. Aweshkar Research Journal. Sep 2022, Vol. 29 Issue 2, p132-152. 21p.
Harapnuik, D., & Thibodeaux, T. (2023). Inspire learning through choice, ownership, voice, and authentic experience (2nd ed.).
Magana, S. (2017). Disruptive classroom technologies (1st ed.). SAGE Publications. Retrieved from
Milner, D., (2018). Situated Mentoring: A Multiple Descriptive Case Study of Mentor Teachers and Their Teacher Candidates.
Mshayisa, V., Ivala, E. (2022). No Student Left Behind: Students’ Experiences of a Self-Paced Online Learning Orientation in Undergraduate Studies during COVID-19 Pandemic
In: Education Sciences, Vol 12, Iss 386, p. 386 (2022); MDPI AG, 2022.
Patrick, S., Kennedy, K., Powell, A. (October 2013). Mean what you say: Defining and integrating personalized, blended, and competency education.
Saichaie, K. (2020). Blended, Flipped, and Hybrid Learning: Definitions, Developments, and Directions.
Smith, A. (2020). Blended learning through Google Classroom: How to use Google Classroom as a learning management system for blended learning experiences - 2 Books In 1. Independently Published.
Turner, J. (2019). A Deep learning dive: Objectives for educating in a digital age. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.12101.81129
Xu, D., Glick, D., Rodriguez, F., Cung, B., Li, Q., and Warschauer, M. (Jan 2020). Does Blended Instruction Enhance English Language Learning in Developing Countries? Evidence from Mexico British Journal of Educational Technology doi:10.1111/bjet.12797 Vol 51 No 1 2020 211–227 © 2019
Zhu, M., Bonk, C. (2019). Designing MOOCs to Facilitate Participant Self-monitoring for Self-directed Learning. DOI: