Francys Machado
Embrace change; It's a path to growth and new opportunities!

The 4 Disciplines of Execution

Upon realizing that an inspiring story and a commendable mission alone do not guarantee success, I understood the significance of a structured and transparent methodology for goal-setting. This methodology is crucial for aligning a company and driving it toward improved performance, transforming grand visions into tangible realities. The 4 Disciplines of Execution emerge as the ultimate guide, providing a reliable framework for steadfast commitment to an organization's ambitious goals and plans.
Commitments often face abandonment when new projects and goals become less pressing compared to the daily tasks of individual employees. Franklin Covey's 4 Execution Disciplines methodology terms this challenge the "whirlwind." Fulfilling commitments involves allocating only a small portion of each employee's time to new tasks while holding them accountable for completing these assignments.
Change follows a pattern, and a leader can benefit from a framework we call the Change Model. Because change is a human effort, the most effective change leaders prioritize the needs of their people over strict adherence to a process. As a Lead Teacher, I focus on teaching how to turn the uncertainty of change into opportunity and develop my students' ability to move through current and future changes more effectively.
My mission as a teacher is to embrace change while fostering a strong classroom culture, and I've successfully established the following principles:
Structure and Clarity: Ensuring team goals, roles, and execution plans are clear.
Psychological Safety: Creating an environment where risks are welcome without insecurity or embarrassment.
Meaning of Work: Aligning tasks with their significance for each team member.
Dependability: Cultivating trust and reliability within the team.
Impact of Work: Instilling a belief that our collective efforts matter fundamentally.
I focus on developing exceptional learners, instilling habits of effectiveness, and building an inclusive and high-trust culture. By providing a common execution framework linked to "tremendously" essential goals, I aim to influence and ensure that change becomes integral. This approach helps us appreciate how we live, work, and achieve "great purposes" individually and collectively.
In my Innovation Proposal, I suggest implementing blended learning in the Spanish classroom for 6th graders. This approach benefits everyone involved, as 6th-grade children could choose to evolve by learning Spanish early, strengthening their communication skills, and adding credits required for a degree.
With this plan, I aim to see students take ownership of their development and begin to see improvements in their learning and willingness to change.
For this type of change to succeed, I propose a plan to help educate teachers on the benefits of blended learning and how to use it in their classrooms. I offer a professional development course for teachers in the summer and then during the first phase of implementation.

The 4 Disciplines of Execution By McChesney, Covey, Huling: The framework focuses on how you can execute the plan to move your team forward.
The initiative targets a specific need: fulfilling the sixth-grade students' desire to attend electives such as Spanish 1.
The project aims to open up and enhance the learning experience to facilitate the educational growth of the community at Krimmel Intermediate.
Lead measures include the engagement levels of students, the successful implementation of blended learning, and the accumulation of credits by students.
Monitoring the success of the COVA approach (Choice, Ownership, Voice, Authenticity) will be a crucial measure.
Teachers will track progress and success through metrics such as student engagement data, feedback on the online Spanish course, and the number of students accumulating credits.
Regular discussions and updates will assess the project's progress, address challenges, and ensure alignment with the set goals. Collaborative efforts with stakeholders, teachers, and administrators can create a supportive accountability structure.
Discipline 1:
Focus on the Wildly Important:
Discipline 2:
Act on the Lead Measures:
Discipline 3:
Keep a Compelling Scoreboard:
Discipline 4:
Create a Cadence of Accountability:

​Furthermore, it is crucial to acknowledge the natural synergy between the Influence Model and the 4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX). While 4DX provides a robust framework for setting and achieving key organizational goals, the Influence Model identifies and addresses critical factors influencing individual and group behavior.
In the context of change implementation, the Influence Model emphasizes identifying and directing factors influencing behavior, such as motivation, ability, and connection to the proposed change. Doing so effectively complements the 4 Disciplines of Execution, which provide the necessary structure and discipline for strategically executing those changes at the organizational level.
Explicitly addressing the interconnection between the Influence Model and 4DX allows us to leverage the combination of people-centric and organizational strategies, creating a comprehensive and practical approach to implement our innovation plan successfully.

Doerr, J. (2019). Summary of Measure What Matters: How Google, Bono, and the Gates Foundation Rock the World with OKRs.
Duckworth’s, A. (2016). Summary of Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance.
Grenny, J., Patterson, K., Maxfiel, D., McMillan, R., Switzler, A. (2013). Influencer: The New Science of Leading Change (2nd ed.).
McChesney, C., Covey, S., Huling, J. with Walker, B., & Thele, S. (2021). The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Achieving Your Wildly Important Goals (2nd ed.). Simon & Schuster, NY Ltd.