Francys Machado
Embrace change; It's a path to growth and new opportunities!

Enhancing Learning Through Blended Learning in Foreign Language Classes
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EDLD 5317. July, 2024.
Rough Draft.
This article's main idea focuses on applying blended learning to improve the language learning process other than English, complementing traditional teaching methods with technology based on learning theories of behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, and connectivism. The article focuses on the best practices for implementing blended learning: Google Classroom, Kahoot, Canva, Quizlet, and the COVA model (Choice, Ownership, Voice, Authenticity). Specifically, it focuses on the benefits of comprehensive technology integration into the teaching and learning process regarding language development, students’ motivation and learning needs fulfillment, and their future readiness for the globalized, technology-enhanced world.
To conclude, reflecting on the issues related to the design of effective academic environments, it is essential to note that the generation gap and the implementation of the blended learning approach, taking advantage of information technologies, are crucial and indispensable elements in the design process enabling environments and improving learning outcomes.
Blended learning offers numerous benefits: the ability to address diverse paces and skills, recreational and individualized approaches, and improvements in both the social and learning spheres. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the communication and learning preferences of a younger generation, whose members are the so-called 'generation Z crystal generation' Kinger, N., & Kumar, S. (2023), born in the digital age. They have different thought processes, emotional profiles, and communication methods, which can be demanding and challenging for teachers.
In times like these, as educators, our goal is not just to have "perfect" classes; we must discover, accept, and respond to our students' needs. By respecting and incorporating differences in thinking and feeling and applying appropriate technological support in the learning process, we will be prepared to teach our students now and in the future.
Education policy should aim to ensure coverage of objectives and preparation for the next-generation system, ensuring that students acquire problem-solving skills, innovative thinking, and flexibility vital for success in today's world, is our invitation for all educators to rise to the challenge and change their approach and practices in the classroom to ensure that every student can be transformed.